Hello KKJZ -
We seem to be on divergent paths. Perhaps I'm oversensitive to the more frequent breathy flute or the plethora of soft and meandering saxophones that I hear now, but I feel you've taken a move to the smooth. I've always looked for a bit of challenge in the music I listen to, but I'm not finding it now.
You've introduced me to some great music over the years - I started listening as a college student back in the KLON days. Based on our long history I've given it the old college try for about a year, but I find that I'm less and less interested in what I'm hearing.
I know that you need to seek fresh audiences, but the whole smooth thing isn't for me. I'll check back from time to time.
In the mean time, I'd like to offer some suggestions for improvement:
1. iPhone app - I can't remember when I deleted this. When I had it, I know that one thing I expected was that I'd have easy and clear access to your playlist. Instead I found it easier to browse the jazzandblues web page using my phone to look at the play list there - but this was often slow and difficult on a phone. One useful feature the app could offer (or a mobile version of the web site) is faster and easier access to the current play list.
2. Discussion forum - Where's the online discussion forum / message board? This seems like a useful way to communicate between DJ and audience, at the very least. I can't be the only computer literate listener. Twitter seems to be popular too, though I can't personally recommend it, but perhaps Twitter is a useful place to feed your play list.